Searchlight Newsletter – Q4 2016
Q4 2016 |
A Message from Keith Pearson, President & CEO
As we head into the holiday season, we look ahead to a new year full of possibility. With the election behind us, some of the biggest questions on our minds have been put to rest. Still, many business leaders continue to follow the U.S. and global news with a critical eye, wondering about the potential impact of campaign promises and cabinet appointments that may or may not come to fruition.
Thankfully, we have expert voices who can help us sort out some of the scenarios that may come to pass next year and beyond. Voices like Bob Estrada of Estrada Hinojosa & Co.; Maribess Miller, former partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers; and economist Meredith Walker with MMW Research. We asked all three to lend their expertise as panelists at our Spotlight SeriesSM breakfast.
They shared their insight on everything from disruptive forces in today’s business environment to America’s international relationships, the Affordable Care Act, and the global economy. We’ve summarized the highlights of the conversation in this issue of Searchlight.
In This Issue
Quarterly Spotlight Series Breakfast:
A Forward Look to 2017
If expectations for 2017 can be summarized in one word, that word would be “change.” With our nation’s highest office in transition, the business world waits to see what will change—and what won’t. We invited three business leaders to help us parse the possibilities at our Q4 Spotlight SeriesSM breakfast, and they touched on a range of topics that will likely have far-reaching impact on American business.
Read MoreTips from the Leadership Coach:
Stretch Assignments Can Develop Leadership Skills
If you really want to know what your leaders are capable of, push them out of their comfort zones with stretch assignments. By integrating a formal stretch assignment process into your leadership development and succession plans, you can evaluate the potential of future leaders while boosting their confidence and skill set. Read these tips to develop an effective approach.
Read MorePearson in the Community:
A Holiday Tribute
The holiday season is the perfect reminder that it is better to give than to receive. At Pearson Partners, we embrace this philosophy all year long, encouraging our team to give back to causes they care about. In this issue, we recognize the many charitable and civic organizations to which our team members have lent their time, talents or financial support. Through their outstanding work within our community, they make our community a better place. See the list of organizations that are close to our hearts.
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Featured SearchesWe are conducting a search for a chief executive officer for a private-equity-backed manufacturer of customized products for the industrial, energy and military aeronautics markets that offers complete EMS services. The private equity firm provides an exceptional level of support for their portfolio companies, with a seasoned investment team and a dedicated in-house operations team. Learn more or provide a confidential referral. Recent Placements
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