Profile: Custis Hoge, Advisory Board Member

As featured in our Q2 2019 Searchlight newsletter

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Custis Hoge, Pearson Partners advisory board member, is a senior managing director with Toppan Merrill LLC, a leader in financial printing and communication solutions. He serves on the board of TeXchange Dallas and is an advisory director of the National Association of Corporate Directors TriCities Chapter in Austin.

What was your first job, and what was it like?

I had three first jobs. I worked in the bag room at a country club repairing clubs, cleaning clubs and caddying.  I also worked at a gas station pumping gas, washing windows (remember, that used to be a regular service) and changing oil. Lastly, I worked in a retail hardware store, where I learned how to repair toilets, paint and trim walls and do lawn work including weeding and fertilizing. Working at the country club sparked my lifelong interest in golf, which has continued for 50+ years.

What is your business background?

After earning a bachelor of science degree in accounting from the University of Maryland, I wanted to get involved in stocks and IPOs. I have continued this career for 45 years, first as an investment banker and ultimately as a financial printer, handling SEC filings and printing prospectuses, annual reports and proxies. I have experience with SOX compliance, XBRL, IPO processes, SEC filing requirements and M&A due diligence.

What are some highlights of your career so far? Tell us about your best days or proudest moments.

I have been fortunate to have had an abundance of professional good days, but personally, watching my kids grow up, be successful and be great parents has been the highlight of my life.

What drew you to Pearson Partners?

I was looking for a high-quality organization that I could be a part of, contribute my knowledge to and use my relationships to help the team be successful. Pearson Partners fit the bill.

Describe your leadership style.

I prefer to lead by example, but I am also not afraid to give my opinion—especially when asked.

What is your philosophy or approach when it comes to client relationships?

Clients are everything. Always go above and beyond to meet the needs and expectations of your clients.  Remember that clients are our life blood.

What do you think is the key to Pearson Partners’ repeat business with top companies? What does the firm do better than anyone else?

Pearson Partners handles successful executive search assignments with integrity and provides the client with good advice and counsel. They become a trusted advisor to their clients, which forms long-term relationships.

What is a lesson you have learned?

Treat others as you would like to be treated.

What do you like to do outside of the office?  Hobbies or passions?

I have been an avid golfer since I was nine and a competitive golfer since I was 12.  I made my first hole-in-one in the fall of 2018 after 60 years of playing.

Where has been your favorite place(s) to travel?

My wife and I go to Maui every February/March and we love to go to the South of France.

What motto do you live by?

Try to be a servant leader.

If you had to make a career change tomorrow, what job would you choose, and why?

I would not, because I thoroughly enjoy what I do.

Learn more about Custis on our Advisory Board page.

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