The COVID-19 crisis has taken a drastic toll on the U.S. workforce, with over 20 million people suddenly unemployed and an overall 15% unemployment rate. While the economy slowly attempts to recover, more downsizings and furloughs are expected. If you are one of the ones who has lost your job, you may find yourself struggling with a variety of emotions. But this time can be an opportunity for growth, change […]
Lisa Thompson, LPC, PCC – Vice President & Professional Career Coach, Pearson Partners International Searching for your next job may be the hardest job you will ever have, and hopefully one of the shortest. The success of your job search depends on the amount of effort you expend as well as the quality of your actions. If you are launching a new job search, it can seem like a daunting task […]
Lisa Thompson, LPC, PCC – Vice President & Professional Career Coach, Pearson Partners International Now more than ever, people are entering the job market with concerns about finding a job that fits their level of experience (and in some cases, any job). Often, executives over the age of 50 can find themselves competing for positions with candidates 10 to 15 years younger. It is not uncommon for senior-level executives with highly successful career histories to […]
Lisa Thompson, LPC, PCC – Vice President & Professional Career Coach, Pearson Partners International As an executive recruiter, I receive frequent inquiries from people in a career transition asking how they can best work with recruiting firms. Whether you are gainfully employed and looking to make a career change or have found yourself in the position of looking for a new job, it can be a confusing and frightening time without […]
Lisa Thompson, LPC, PCC – VP & Professional Career Coach, Pearson Partners International One of the questions you may be asking yourself is whether you should switch your industry or role in this time when many industries and companies are suffering due to the COVID-19 economic downturn. With record-high unemployment, those in a career transition may be wondering what else they can do. As executive recruiters, we are often asked […]
Lisa Thompson, LPC, PCC – VP & Professional Career Coach, Pearson Partners International As a career coach, one of the mistakes I frequently see job seekers make is to work on one promising job lead at a time. This not only extends the length of the job search, but often leads to disappointing setbacks when the opportunity does not pan out. It can lead to feelings of constantly starting over […]
Lisa Thompson, Vice President & Professional Career Coach, Pearson Partners International During the current COVID-19 crisis, it can be discouraging to see the rising unemployment figures and to know that it will likely continue to grow. You might be wondering: Should I put my job search on hold and give up on finding a new opportunity for the immediate future? If not, what can I do to ensure I stay […]
A recent AESC BlueSteps Executive Career Insider TweetChat featuring Pearson Partners’ Renee Arrington (@ReneeBArrington) and our Pearson Partners team.
A recent AESC BlueSteps Executive Career Insider TweetChat featuring Pearson Partners’ Lisa Thompson, LPC, PCC (@CareerCoachLisa) and our team.
A recent BlueSteps Executive Career Insider TweetChat featuring Pearson Partners’ Frank Morogiello (@Morogiello) and our team. [View the story “#ExecCareer TweetChat: Executive Compensation” on Storify] TweetChat: Executive Compensation Negotiation – March 22, 2016