When a private equity (“PE”) firm acquires a company, it does so with aggressive growth in mind. Growth happens through change, and successful change depends upon a strong partnership between the PE operations team and the management of the company it backs. Pearson Partners’ Q3 2015 Spotlight SeriesSM breakfast discussed how private equity firms and the management teams they work with build healthy partnerships. Our esteemed panel members included: Chris […]
Sensational news stories often paint a sordid picture of CEO compensation, feeding the idea that pay is spiraling out of control, CEOs can set their own salaries and leaders often walk away from failing companies with huge severance packages. But the truth about CEO compensation is far more complex—and in most companies, the picture is more positive. Pearson Partners’ Q2 2014 Spotlight Series breakfast explored common misconceptions about CEO […]
New study reveals the paths to leadership CHRIS H. REINSVOLD, Pearson Partners International, Houston, Texas EDITOR’S NOTE: To gain a better understanding of leadership trends in the global energy sector, Chris Reinsvold, energy practice leader at Pearson Partners International, analyzed the education, experience, and backgrounds of 277 chief executive officers (CEOs) from the largest publicly traded US and international oil and gas companies. Here are the results of his […]
In our recently conducted survey of more than 200 senior executives from across the oil and gas energy spectrum, we discovered the trends, issues and challenges they expect to see in 2015 and beyond. These industry leaders weighed in on such issues as headcount expectations, capital spending, merger and acquisition expectations, and more. >>Learn more and see data charts in the PDF of the full study. A Challenging Year Ahead The […]
It’s not easy today to find talented technology professionals at any level of the organization. That’s why many companies outsource technology projects such as basic coding and development of web, mobile, database and CRM platforms. However, most major companies and nonprofits need in-house supervisors and managers who understand the information tec hnology (IT) field, managing outside suppliers, and keeping projects moving forward on schedule. That’s why savvy HR professionals attend […]
In a fast-moving world, the traditional “9 to 5” employee schedule may be a handicap for some organizations. Being able to offer greater flexibility can provide savvy organizations with a competitive edge in attracting and retaining talented employees, and actually increase the level of productivity. It’s important for the senior leadership team (SLT) to periodically review its workplace policies to see if a strict work schedule is still necessary for […]
As the U.S. economy continues to forge ahead, many companies are focusing on their growth opportunities in the New Year. That might mean acquiring a competitor, launching a new product line, opening new offices or obtaining a substantially larger line of credit. For many businesses, greater prosperity may be right around the corner. But the senior leadership team (SLT) also needs to make risk management a priority for 2015. The […]
by Judy Stubbs, Vice President As published in Direct Selling News November issue When it comes to the U.S. working population, all age groups are not created equal. There are significant differences in the fundamental values and predominant work styles of different generations. That raises a wide range of talent-related issues for organizations, including how to attract, develop and retain executives at different stages of their careers. However, there […]
When bad things happen to good companies, it’s important to understand what went wrong. After all, every organization, like every individual, makes mistakes from time to time. Unless the error is so horrendous that it forces a business to close its doors, the best thing the senior leadership team can do is to conduct a post mortem to understand why the mistake occurred. Then, changes can be made to reduce […]
It’s not easy leading a healthcare organization in today’s rapidly changing landscape. Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has increased access to insurance coverage, thus increasing demand for services. Policy makers on the federal and state levels are focused on balancing the goals of managing the cost of care while improving patient outcomes. In addition, advances in health information technology are creating opportunities for providers to operate more efficiently, […]