“Congratulations on your new chief financial officer job, Mr. Smith! It has been great working with you on this assignment for my client, Global Atlantic Corporation.” I have said similar things on no less than nine separate occasions since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. (All names in this article, except the author’s, are made up to protect both the guilty and the innocent). Pretty impressive record for an executive […]
A recent AESC BlueSteps Executive Career Insider TweetChat featuring Pearson Partners’ Renee Arrington (@ReneeBArrington) and our Pearson Partners team.
A recent BlueSteps Executive Career Insider TweetChat featuring Pearson Partners’ Frank Morogiello (@Morogiello) and our team. [View the story “#ExecCareer TweetChat: Executive Compensation” on Storify] TweetChat: Executive Compensation Negotiation – March 22, 2016
Tips from the Leadership Coach Salary Questions and Answers There comes a point in most interviews when the question of compensation comes up. It is best to avoid this discussion for as long as possible in the interview process, but if it comes up, try to deflect the question and turn it back to the interviewer. The objective is to have the interviewer state a salary before you do. Here […]
More than a century ago, Henry Ford introduced mass production to the automobile industry. As the first Model T cars rolled off the assembly line, he reportedly said, “You can have any color you want, as long as it’s black.” Today, that one-size-fits-all approach in the automotive industry has evolved into a vast array of customer choices. That same transformation is gathering speed in the HR benefits arena, as savvy […]
Sensational news stories often paint a sordid picture of CEO compensation, feeding the idea that pay is spiraling out of control, CEOs can set their own salaries and leaders often walk away from failing companies with huge severance packages. But the truth about CEO compensation is far more complex—and in most companies, the picture is more positive. Pearson Partners’ Q2 2014 Spotlight Series breakfast explored common misconceptions about CEO […]
Voluntary Benefits: What Employees Want and What Employers Offer By Rob Shestack, CES – Pearson Partners Spotlight Series Breakfast Panelist The employee benefits arena has undergone a seismic change in just a few short years. Crippled by rising costs, employers are no longer willing or able to pay for comprehensive health insurance coverage while still offering core benefits programs such as life and disability coverage, along with attractive pension programs. […]
Our March 2010 meeting of the Pearson Partners DFW HR Roundtable featured a lively and informative discussion of trends in executive compensation and benefits. Our guest speaker was Linda Wilkins, a board certified tax attorney with over 25 years of experience in executive compensation strategies, benefit plans, employment contracts and long-term incentive plans. We later sat down with Linda for an in-depth discussion of some of the trends she and her […]